09 / 11 / 2024

--Jeff Vanman

Jeff Vanaman committed himself to honesty, integrity and public service early in his adult professional career. As a retired Lieutenant from a Metro-Atlanta law-enforcement agency, he is no stranger to working with people through the impacts of crisis situations.

In the insurance profession, Jeff's attention to detail, commitment to treating others fairly and willingness to go the extra mile serve him well. While relatively new to adjusting, his professional background has enabled him to progress quickly within his first year as an adjuster. The November 30, 2018 Anchorage Alaska earthquake provided a significant exposure and hands on experience in for Jeff as he worked claims under the guidance of experienced senior adjuster, Dave LeNorman.

Jeff looks forward to honing his skills and abilities as an insurance adjuster while continuing to gain industry knowledge and experience. He comes to the profession with a long list of professional commendations and a master’s degree in Public Safety Administration from Columbus State University.

Jeff is an avid long-distance shooter, hunter and fisherman. He enjoys traveling and new experiences, however he has decided Alaska will be his final destination as far as a place to call home. He has three grown sons and has been married to his college sweetheart, Tara, for 22 years.

Jeff Head Shot 1 small

"Alaska is my home and I love exploring!"